Team:IISER-Pune-India/TeamNotebook/Team Notebook 11e9906b405543a29361e38a50c81024/Team Reveal 08815e53463f4a19825aff41d1f91d24/Type here 70cc0e429e484213b3ee30b12126e9b4/Ashwin 0beeba665a4e4ae9836fc60933f50fe3



  • OCD with my tasks, I need things organized otherwise I will forget
  • I just sleep off anytime anywhere, then wake up to sulk over the pending work

I am Ashwin Uday, an Integrated PhD student here at IISER Pune. My scientific interests are where biophysics and biochemistry meet and shake hands with computational biology. I hope to learn and explore a lot more from the iGEM experience.

Beyond science, swipe to see my interest